The Taynors

The Taynors

Friday, September 9, 2011

My Favorite Things

I'm laying on my living room floor watching Ryan play in his activity center and I keep thinking "wow six months is really a fun stage!"

Here are just a few of my favorite things that my little bugger is doing.

-He holds my hand when I nurse him, and it melts my heart.
-His face lights up when I walk in the room, especially after a nap.
- If I have to go in his room at night to soothe him, his little hands reach up and grab my hand and he holds it until he goes back to sleep.
- He log rolls across the room to get to what he wants. It's so cute to see him so determined.
- He laughs so hard when I dance like a crazy women.
- And my very favorite thing is when he cuddles up to me when I rock him to sleep.

Yay for the hellish first few months being over. I am really loving life these days!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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