The Taynors

The Taynors

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

How is my Baby 8 months Old!

Here we are again!  A monthly update... or what seems to be my new norm, an ever other month update.  Thomas is officially 8 months old as of this week, and here are the highlights of his 7 and 8 month happenings.

*Sleep is terrible.  Still not happening, still hates the crib, still wakes frequently, still nurses all night.  Half of it is baby, he needs the extra nursing and the contact and he is just miserable in the openness of the crib.  Part of it is my fault, with the activities of the other kids, balancing bedtimes with all 3, trying not to wake them up in the middle of the night, Mike traveling and away overnight many nights of the week... its been hard to really "sleep train". When Mike is away, or the big kids are sick, anything goes.  Whatever I can do to get him to sleep wins.  I am aware this is an issue but its hard to make a change right now.  Mike is away again this week, but next week he is home for 1 whole week in a row, so I plan to really start working on a sleep routine and at least get him in the crib overnight.

*On the other hand, naps have been good during the day, so that helps big time.  He takes a good morning and afternoon nap, and occasionally a cat nap to hold over til bedtime.  These naps are still in the rock and play, but they give me a mommy break to work so I'll take it.

*This month he has started dancing!  Like totally bopping to the beat.  Super cute.

*We have attempted to start solids and it hasn't gone well.  He really does not like being spoon fed, so we are going to take the Baby Led Weaning approach with him.  So far he seems to like sweet potato fries and these home made teething biscuit things I make.  He is really playing more than eating right now, but at least he will bring them to his mouth occasionally.  If BLW goes well, I will totally stick with it.  I love the idea of him eating what we are eating and not needing to make purees and bring "baby food" around with us.

*He has gotten much more mobile.  No moves towards crawling or cruising or anything like that yet, but he can roll and push forward or backwards to get to what he wants. He loves this freedom.

*Finally at exactly 8 months, he got his first tooth!!  Woo Hoo! and the second is about to pop through. 

*He loves being on the go and watching his brothers.  As long as someone is paying attention to him, or someone is around to chat with him, he is happy.

*Thomas is starting to explore new sounds with his mouth, blowing bubbles, babbling much more.  No real words but new sounds.

*He is going super strong with nursing.  He loves it and will nurse round the clock if I let him.  I did finally implement formal for the occasional bottle because I couldn't keep up with a freezer stash and with a lot of work hours coming up, I needed a back up option.  I would say he still nurses or gets breast milk 98% of the time, but it took the pressure off of worrying about what I would do if I didn't have enough milk in the freezer.  I did a bunch of research and ordered a brand from like Germany (not 100% sure what country, but it is from Europe and goes by their standards) and he took right too it. 

*I am super desperate for a little mommy get away.  I feel like I am running on fumes these days, but until he is sleeping better or nursing less, its impossible.  I hope to plan a weekend getaway with Mike or a girls trip very soon. 

Anyway, he is wonderful.  Such a sweet, happy baby.  Always with a huge smile on his face.   Its going so fast, way faster than with the other two (probably because I am busy with the other two) and I am trying to take a deep breath and enjoy this stage. Its basically my very favorite baby stage!

Here is some cuteness!

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