The Taynors

The Taynors

Thursday, May 10, 2012

RJ Update and Schedule

I haven't really done an update since Ryan's first birthday, so here is whats been going on over the past 2 months.

First of all, his routine. I haven't posted about Ryan's schedule in a few months and I want to make sure I have it all on record.  Lets go back to the 9-12 month range...he was finally pretty regular.

Wake up around 7:00am and have a 6oz bottle.
Breakfast around 8:00
9:00-11:00 nap
6oz bottle at 11am
Lunch around 12
1:00-2:30 nap
6oz bottle at 3:00-4:00
Occasionally a late afternoon cat nap
Dinner around 5:30
Bedtime routine start at 6:30
Asleep by 7pm

The eating schedule did change gradually during these months though.  He started eating more solids and real foods, we dropped the 4th bottle, introduced a sippy cup, etc.  But the nap time was pretty regular... 2 naps, about 2 hours each.

At 12 months old there were a few more changes, like switching from formula to organic whole milk and weening off of the bottle.  He also started napping a little bit later and going to bed a bit later.  Here is our current schedule after making those changes. 

Wake up between 7-7:30
Sippy cup of milk and then breakfast about 8:00
Nap from 10:00-12:00
Lunch around 12:30 and then a sippy cup of milk after lunch
Nap from 3:00-4:30ish
Dinner at 5:30
Start bedtime between 7-7:30 (with a cup or bottle of milk) and asleep by 8:00

This is our daily routine, but I would say that after Ryan reached a year old, he became much more flexible.  Up until recently, he would be miserable and cranky if he wasn't sleeping by his normal nap or bed time.  But now he is able to stay up a little later or adjust his naps based on what we have going on that day.  I never thought this was going to happen and I'm excited to have reached this point.  For example... we were totally off schedule in Florida, but as soon as we got back to Jersey, he returned to his normal routine without much stress.  This will be nice once summer comes.

I am figuring he will drop that late nap soon and the morning nap will get pushed back later, but for now he seems to still want to take both.  I will keep it for as long as he wants.

Before getting into our current situation, lets talk about what Ryan's eating habits where like.  This boy would pretty much eat anything!  I never gave him something that he didn't shovel into his mouth.  He was a good eater and didn't give me any problem.  He just started getting to the point where he wants to feed himself, but when he uses a spoon or fork, food goes flying all over the house.  He gets frustrated, but I am sure he will figure it out soon.  At this point, he is eating 95% real food and only a little bit of baby food to supplement the fruits and vegetables.  He especially likes the smoothie pouches when we are out and about.

Here is a list of the foods he usually eats and enjoys-
green beans
sweet potatoes
grilled cheese
chicken pieces or nuggets
macaroni and cheese
ground beef or turkey
corned beef
french fries
sausage links
pasta and sauce
baked ziti

The only thing that he does not like so far... ice cream!!  He spit it out, twice, and then refused to take another spoon of it.  I am sure he will change his mind once summer comes. 

But there has a been a twist to Ryan's eating plans.  We recently found out why he is having these allergic reactions (he has had 2 serious reactions, and several mild reactions).  Ryan is officially allergic to eggs, wheat, peanuts, almonds, cats and dogs.  I"m going to have to right a different post about these allergies and what my game plan is.  It is obvious from my food list many of the foods Ryan loves contain wheat and/or egg so we are in the process of totally changing his eating!

New Skills
On a lighter note, Ryan has been so much fun recently.  Here are some things he has learned to do in the past 2 months.

-Crawl down the stairs
-Climb onto the couch by himself
-Climb up onto anything really
-Play with the cats
-Dance up a storm
-He can identify his nose, head, and feet
-He LOVES reading books
-HE talks all of the time, but he still isn't really using any words.  Currently, I don't think he really has any words, but he says mamama and dadada in general a lot.
-He can understand thing...hard to explain, but if I ask him to get his book he will go and get it, or if I tell him to go get his golf club, he will find it and bring it to me.  He understand "no" (even though he doesn't always listen haha), bath, cat, eat, food, go get your shoes, etc.  She even though he is not talking at all, it is pretty clear that he is learning.
-He suddenly can use sign language to tell us "more" and "all done"
-Throw a ball
-Go up and down his slide by himself
-He tries to lock the front door when we are leaving the house and going to the car.
-He loves to comb his hair ( I guess that's from watching me do people's hair all of the time)
-He can blow kisses and give really good hugs
-He is still drooling A LOT ... too much.  I am so over drool!

I am sure there is more, but that's what comes to mind as of right now.  I'll update again later when cute things pop into my head. 

Lastly, is 14 months to early to start the Terrible Twos??  hahaha  I think we are getting started already.  Ryan can throw a really good tantrum and had his first official meltdown in Target last week (because I didn't let him choke on a piece of pretzel).  I think he is going to continue to keep me on my toes and demonstrate his strong personality throughout his toddler years :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

2nd Vacation- Palm Harbor, Florida

Last week we went on our family vacation to Palm Harbor, Florida (right outside of Tampa).  Mike and I took Ryan for 5 days to visit my in-laws.  They have a house there now so its a great excuse for a little family getaway.  Here are the trip highlights...

Tuesday- We took Ryan on the airplane for the first time, and it went better than expected!  I was really nervous because Ryan normally doesn't sit still EVER.  He is constantly on the move.  He doesn't like TV, he doesn't sleep in my arms, and he hates being restrained.  So I couldn't image what he would be like on the plane.  I took a chance and went with the "skip a nap and make him extra tired so that he can sleep on the plane attempt."  Luckily we were pretty successful.  I waited and gave him a bottle at take off, and then gave him his lovey and binky that he only gets at bedtime and nap time, and I help him tight in my arms, not letting him get down to move around.  On the flight home he fought me for a while, but eventually fell asleep for a little bit.  But on the flight home, it was close enough the bedtime that he fell asleep and stayed asleep the whole time.  All things considered, it was not a bad experience!

Wednesday- early in the a.m. Mike and I went for a run on the causeway.  It was nice to have a place to go on a running path right along the water.  Then we took Ryan to the beach for the first time and we met up with Mike's Aunt Barbara and Uncle Wayne.  I am happy to announce that Ryan loved the beach!  He seriously sat in the sand and played with some sand toys very happily for about 3 hours.  I was nervous because it was getting into nap time, but he was great the entire time!  It was a perfect beach day, 80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.  After the beach we went out to lunch at Captain Jacks and then took a walk through town. Tarpon Springs has a street with tons of little shops, bakeries, and tourist attractions which was fun to see.   Ryan slept in his stroller most of the trip.  Later that evening, Matt arrived to visit us.  We all went out to dinner at this great outdoor restaurant with good food and a live band.  The best part was that it had a great view of the sunset over the Gulf.  Overall  a great day.

Thursday- Another run in the morning, and then beach day #2.  Ryan was just as happy at the beach as the day before.  Then in the afternoon we took a drive up to Aunt Barbara and Uncle Wayne's new house.  They have a great screened in pool area so everyone went swimming, played volleyball and had a great dinner.  I am glad we finally got a chance to see their house and I think they were really excited for us to come down for a visit.

Friday- We spent the entire day at the Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa.  What a cool zoo.  By time we got there, Ryan was ready for a nap... so he spent the first half of the zoo sound asleep in his stroller.  But when he finally woke up, he had an awesome time.  It was pretty cool because he really got what was going on.  He kept pointing to different animals and seemed to enjoy himself.  He got to feed a giraffe, go on a "safari" ride, and pet the horses.  Then we took him on some of the rides in the kids area.  I would 100% recommend this zoo for anyone that's in the area....its a great set up for kids of all ages.

Saturday- The vacation was just about over, but we squeezed in one more morning run and beach day.  One of the perks to going to the beach with a larger group is that everyone took turns playing with Ryan, and I had plenty of time to just lay in the sun!  It was a great end to a fun trip.

I will admit, a week with the in laws has its challenges, but I would say the trip was a success.  I was happy to be home on Saturday night and I think Ryan was too.  I spent most of Sunday getting back to reality, and Ryan spent most of the day sleeping (he was exhausted from a very busy week).  I am surprised how well he handled being so off schedule.  He still had 2 naps every day, but they were at random times and sometime in his stroller.   Then most nights he didn't go to bed til 8-8:30 which is way later than normal.  I guess because we were so busy and doing fun things, it didn't bother him to be off his normal routine.  And luckily, as soon as we got back to Jersey, he went right back onto schedule.  All is good in the Taynor home!

Here are some pics of the trip:

 Barbara and Wayne's house

 Sleeping at the Zoo

 Big boy walked around to see the animals

 Feeding the giraffe

 Honeymoon Island Beach

Family day at the beach

 Hanging in the Gulf

 Family picture while watching the Sunset

 Sunset on the Causeway


 Taynor Family

 Surfer Dude ready for the beach

Running and Working Out

I would never have thought that I would consider running and working out two different things.  In the past, if I even ran for 5 minutes... that would count as my work out.  But these days, they are two different things. 

I am really proud of myself for some of the changes I have made with respect to exercises.  I have finally gotten on a good schedule and I feel like I am back in shape (probably even better shape than I was before getting pregnant).  I actually think I got even better at making the effort to work out once I went back to work, because then I was on a set schedule.  I had certain days/times that became workout days.  Most of my blog posts are written more for my own record, and this is one of them.  Here is my current running and working out routine so that I have it when I look back.

I started working out at my brothers gyms (All Star Sports Academy) back in September and I have been going regularly ever since.  They offer classes at 7am, 9:30am, and 8:00pm Monday through Friday, and at 9:30 on Saturdays.  I go to all of the above.  My goal is to go at least 3 times a week, but I try for 4.  Currently my schedule is Monday and Thursday mornings, and Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:00pm.  I would love to go every morning, but working kind of gets in the way of that.  Its hard to keep motivated to go back out to the gym at 8pm at night (sitting on the couch watching TV is tempting) but I have become kind of addicted to how I feel after working out.  Sooo that's my goal for the week.  The best part about working out at Brian's gym is that it keeps me interested and motivated.  Every class is a little bit different, it mixes cardio, plyometrics, weight training, etc. all into one session.  Plus the people that work out there are great so it makes the classes fun.  I am glad I finally got up the nerve to start working out with him.

In addition to that, I am officially in training for the Disney half marathon next February.  I really really really want to accomplish this goal BUT that means I have A LOT of work to do.  As of last month, I could not run a full minute without feeling like I was going to die, never mind 1 mile, and definitely not 13 miles!  I decided I needed to find an actual training program and get started ASAP if I was really going to do this.  I am starting by training for a 5K, then I will move on to longer distances (like an 8 or 10K) and then start the half marathon program.  Currently I am on week 5 of a couch to 5K type program.  I am proud to announce that during my 3 mile run the other day, I was able to do the first 1.5 miles without walking and after a short break, I was able to run the rest of the time!!! Woo Hoo huge accomplishment for me.  Most people would laugh at this, but running a full mile is a big deal to me and my first step.  So its now part of my routine to run at least 3 times a week (Thursday and Friday evenings, and Sunday morning), sometimes by myself and sometimes with Ryan in the jogging stroller.  I have no excuse now that the weather is getting nicer, I just need to get out there and run as often as possible.

All of that being said, I feel pretty good.  I feel strong and healthy and in way better shape than I was a few weeks ago.  I really hope I stay motivated and keep this up for the long term!