Thursday, August 4, 2011

Must have Newborn Baby Items

A new mom can spend hours going up and down the aisles of Babies R Us trying to decide what the best items for their precious baby are.  I was one of those moms that depended on other people's recommendations when making my baby registry and doing the pre-baby shopping.  So below is a list of baby items that I could not live without. (I typed this post a few days ago and really spent a lot of time working on it and giving tons of details on each item.  Well them my computer froze up and only the first two items were saved.  So I am re-typing it because I still want it posted, BUT I am saving time by skipping out on the details.  Sorry.  If anyone wants further explanation, just comment!)

Newborn Must Haves:

1.  iPhone-  I know this is completely random, but my iphone has been my lifesaver the past 5 months.  It has given me something to do during the very late night marathon nursing sessions, and it has been a great resource for baby apps, forums, reading blogs, etc.  I feel bad for moms that had their babies before smart phones!
2.  My BreastFriend Nursing pillow-  This pillow is extra great for breastfeeding because it offers extra support and wraps around your waste for comfort.
3.  Ameda Breast Pump
4.  ITz Been Timer
5.  Graco Pack n Play with the newborn sleeper and diaper changing station
6.  Boppy pillow (great for more than just nursing)
7.  Any Play Mat
8.  Chico KeyFit Travel System car seat and stroller with additional bases
9.  Summer Infant Video Monitor
10. Swaddle Me velcro blankets
11. Maclaren Rocker Seat - Especially for babies with reflux
12. Fischer Price Bouncy Seat
13. Diaper Genie
14. The Sleep Sheep
15.  A glider/rocker chair for the nursery

If you have these items when the baby is born, you will be ready to go!  Of course now that Ryan is 5 months old, there are new things that I would consider must have, but none of them are needed from the get go.  I'll post about the next stage of baby gear in a few months. 

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