Thursday, August 4, 2011

Health Talk- Advance Ball Class

So life has been hectic this summer and I have not been to as many of the health talks at the chiropractor that I had planned on.  But I was able to sneak away to last Tuesdays, with Ryan in tow, and I am glad I did.  The topic this time was discussing exercises  you can do at home using a yoga ball.  This particular topic is hard for me to write about, so I'll just give them main idea.

*The ball can be used to get a total body workout at home.
*By using weights while working out on the ball you can work on balance, core strength, and any other body part of choice. 
* Doing exercises in combination can help increase the difficulty (for example, doing a cycle that works biceps, triceps, and shoulders all in the same set)
*Elite 8's- Doing a combination of 8 different ab exercises, one right after the other.  This keeps things interesting, works different areas and kills your abs.

Unfortunately, I can't write out all the different exercises I learned.  Bottom line is that it gave me new ideas on how I can squeeze in a quick workout, in the living room, while Ryan is taking a nap... and its actually hard work.  Now I just need to make sure I actually do it!  I need to tighten up my backside and get my teacher arms under control.

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