Patrick is 5 months old and Ryan is 3 years and 3 months.
We are starting to fall into a routine. Each day is different depending on if it's a school day or a soon to be work day, but each day has it's own routine.
Today is a Wednesday- school in the morning and my first night back to work doing hair at night.
The day begins. Patrick is up and ready to nurse. I feed him and we both dose in and out of sleep between 5:30-6:30 but he never officially goes back to sleep.
7:00 am
Ryan wakes up and joins us in bed. I feed Patrick his first official nursing of the day. The boys watch Chugginton as Mike leaves for work and I get up and dressed.
8:00 am
Full blown get ready for the day. Getting Ryan breakfast and dressed, getting Patrick a clean diaper and dressed, quick clean up the kitchen, then out the door.
Drop Ryan off at school. Patrick falls asleep in the car, so it's going to be a car nap morning. I drive to the Brick Starbucks because it's drive through and a good distance away to let Patrick sleep.
10:00 am
Nurse Patrick in the car in the Target parking lot. I need to get a few things and there is not enough time to go home first. After he is done eating, I shop. Best place to go when you need milk, pull ups, and a new shirt all in one stop!
11:10 am
Time to head back to pick Ryan up (he gets out at 11:30). Of course we manage to hit traffic and Patrick screams the whole time.
11:45 am
We are back home. I unload the car and bring Patrick up for a nap. Thankfully Ryan played by himself for a few minutes for me to get settled.
12:20 pm
Patrick is already wide awake and crying. I'm so tired of these 30 minute naps. Anyway, I'm keeping Patrick content since he is cranky after his too short nap and make Ryan lunch. Today Ryan deciding to set the table for all of his "friends" to eat lunch with him.
1:00 pm
Normally this is one of my favorite hours of the day. I get Ryan down for a nap and it's time to feed Patrick again. But this is one time I get to sit and relax for a few minutes. Hopefully Ryan goes to sleep, Patrick nurses for about 30 minutes and I just chill.
Today isn't as smooth. Ryan had a tummy ache and needs an extra few trips to the potty and doesn't get settled for a while.
1:30 pm
Patrick is fed and happy, Ryan is napping... Time to get a few things done. Patrick plays and I eat lunch, do the dishes, prep the salon for later, and throw in a load if laundry.
2:30 pm
Little guy is getting a little cranky and needs some mommy attention. We play a little, sing some songs, walk around the house... What else do you do to entertain baby?
3:00 pm
Patrick nap time again. I put him down at 3:11 and he woke at 3:41... I told you, exactly 30 minutes. Anyway, Ryan was still napping so I actually had a half hour to myself. Of course I peed, made a cup of coffee and then realized "oh crap I didn't plan anything for dinner". So I spent the time thinking about dinner, returning texts/emails, filling in my calendar, making my to do list for tomorrow, etc.
3:41 pm everyone's awake
4:00 pm
nursing patrick, Ryan gets to watch 1 tv show on the iPad
4:30-6:30 pm
I'm working in the salon, the boys are with Gigi. The house is a bit loud and chaotic.
My mom leaves and it's time to start Patricks bedtime routine. Tonight I just change his diaper and pjs, and nurse him to sleep. Ryan watches Mickey Mouse in mommy and daddy's bed so that I can be with Patrick. I'm super hungry and still never figured out dinner for Mike and I. Ugh.
Ryan's turn for bedtime. It's a bath night so a quick bath and I attempt to keep it as quiet as possible. Brush teeth, book, and in bed he is.
Dinner time for me. Since I didn't prep anything and mikes still not home from work, I had left overs.
Mike gets home from work! Woohoo!
8:30 pm
Clean up the rest of the toys, unload the dishwasher, clean the salon, go through the mail... Most importantly decide I am NOT going to work out tonight. I guess I'll do a double tomorrow instead.
9:00 pm
Boys are sound asleep, time for a nice long shower in peace!
9:30 pm
Getting sleepy, packing the boys up for tomorrow and a few minutes of chit chat with my hubby that I didn't talk to all day. Oh and a typing up this post.
10:00 pm
My nightly date with the breast pump!
Last but not least- 10:25 climbing into bed. Five am is going to come very quickly.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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