Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Things I am loving...

Its easy to get caught up in the busy days and time is flying by... so I wanted to take a minute to breath and be thankful for some of the things I am currently loving!

1.  Fall!!  The weather, the pumpkins, the apple picking, the Pumpkin Spiced coffees (even if I am drinking decaf these days), the time spent with family doing fun activities, getting ready for Halloween and my birthday... I pretty much LOVE fall!

2.  Keeping the windows open as much as possible, ahhh fresh air.

3.  Having a 2 1/2 year old... I love this age.

4.  The fact that I am almost done Christmas shopping.  This is the first time I started so early, and its a little weird doing it before the official "holiday season" but it will definitely make the end of my pregnancy a bit more relaxing.

5.  All my favorite TV shows are back on, we have something to watch every night.  Parenthood and Modern Family are my current favorites.

6.  The land has been cleared on the property of our new house and we are starting to pick out options.  Super excited about this next step.

7.  Pinterest-  The process of designing and decorating an entire house can be overwhelming, but Pinterest has been my obsession.  Apparently I'm a visual person so seeing examples of kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, etc is helping me make all my decisions!

8.  Freezer dinners (Thank you freezer exchange).  I love having pre-made dinners in the freezer ready to just be warmed up.  Its awesome to have home made yummy dinners without the prep work!

9.Home made air freshner.  I found it on pinterest (of course) and its made our house smell fresh and yummy all week.  I pretty much put an apple, an orange, a lemon, Cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, and pumpkin pie spice in a small crock pot with water, and keep in on low all day.  The house fills up with a fresh cooked fall smell!

10.. Last but not least, the last book club book! We read "7: The Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" by Jen Hatmaker.  and I loved it!  Which leads to a whole other stream of thoughts.  Check out my next blog post all about the book and the changes we are making in the Taynor house!

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