Thursday, January 10, 2013

A day in the life...

Last time I did this Ryan was 6 months old. I love the idea but never follow through. But this Saturday I finally did take a picture every hour from when we woke up until we went to bed. Everyday is different in our house, so I decided to do a typical weekend first and then in a few weeks I'll do it again with a week day. So here we go...

Saturday, January 5, 2013
Ryan is 22 months old!

7:15 wake up

Don't let the face scare you, this is actually his "cheese" smile!


Ryan is checking his email before breakfast. Spending some lazy Saturday morning time in our PJ's.


Breakfast is done, begging to watch his favorite movie "Finding Nemo"


The boys on their iToys. Relaxing while mommy gets ready to work.


Hair appointments.


Mike is off with a real estate client, Ryan is getting ready for his nap, and I am napping out my run.


Mike is home and I'm off for my 8 miles. It was a bitter 34 degrees and windy outside...not easy.


So excited to be home and finished. Back just in time for Ryan to be up from his nap.


Oil change!


Still at my oil change, thankful for a peppermint latte and my new kindle. I can't complain, this was my only down time all day!


Ryan had an evening at date with Blake and Brooklynn!

6:15- no picture. We were getting ready to leave the Arzonico's and I missed it.


Back home and getting Ryan ready for bed. Cuddling and story time is one of my favorite times of the day.


Getting some work done, catching up on paperwork and work emails.


Movie time with Mike while I sort through 2 weeks of mail.


Still watching "Ted"


Finally heading to bed, saying an extra goodnight to my baby.

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