The Taynors

The Taynors

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2 months!

I can't believe Ryan is already two months old (I will probably start all of his month birthdays with a similar sentence haha)!  I still feel like he was just born, but when I look at him I can see he is quickly turning into a little boy.  He looks less like a squishy newborn and more like a boy each day.  He is starting to put on some weight.  He is now officially 10 lbs 13 oz.  So after all of the worry about him not eating the first few weeks, I am not sure he is getting enough with each feeding!  He still has light hair and very blue eyes, I am interested to see if that changes. Our days are slowly getting better.  Crazy man still comes out a few times a day, but the out of control crying does not last as long.  I have figured out how to help sooth him, and I think he is starting to feel better overall.  I took him to see a chiropractor for the first time yesterday, so we will see how he does with that (look for another blog post in regards to the chiropractor). He is still taking zantac twice a day for his reflux but he is spitting up much less than before.  Earlier in the month he was still pretty uncomfortable and getting sick a lot, so we took him to Jersey Shore Hospital for some testing to make sure there was nothing more serious going on.  Luckily, everything checked out fine. I am really starting to believe that we have reached the peak and we are on the happier side of the mountain.

Here are some things that happened this month:
*He rolled over from his stomach to back (7 weeks)
*He has gained a lot of head control, but he still hates tummy time
*He started sleeping in his crib (6 weeks) and is slowly starting to sleep for longer stretches.  Just last night was the very first time he slept for 7 hours straight!!!!  Lets hope this is a new trend, getting up every two hours is starting to get old :)
*He is smiling much more, my favorite time of the whole day!
*I think he recognizes Mike and I, and he is able to follow our faces when we move around
*He has figured out how to pull my hair, and pulls it very hard
*He loves to be carried around so he can take in all the sites, he seems very curious about whats around him
*He loves when I sing to him, especially the songs Old Time Rock and Roll, Margaritaville, Take Me Out to the Ball Game, and I Like Big Butts (a very interesting mix haha)
* His favorite place to take a nap is in the car

Some exciting things he did this month was attend Ally and Eric's wedding, go to Blake's 1st birthday party, celebrate his first Easter, go to Kelli's baby shower, hang out at book club, and go on his first walk at the park with his girlfriend Eloise!  It has been a good month and I really hope this next month is even better.

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