Wednesday, April 27, 2011

About Me!

I started this blog as a way of journaling my experiences as a new mom.  I want to be able to look back and remember how I felt, what I did, and all of the ups and downs of motherhood. I figure part of the process is not losing myself.  Even though I am a mom, I am still all of those things that made me name my blog "One Multi-talented Mom". So this blog is going to be about me!  (Thanks Jackie, I stole this from you)

25 Things About Me
1.  I love a hot cup of coffe, a nice glass of wine, and a cold beer!
2.  My favorite thing to do on the weekend is sleep in (those days are gone for now)
3.  I am an obsessive list maker.  I feel calm and in control when I make lists.
4.  This is similar to #3, but I also love to organize and plan things.  Since early high school I have been the group organizer for my friends and family. I get anxious when I leave the planning up to someone else.
5.  One of my favorite things to plan is vacations!  I love to travel.  My favorite vacation spots involve a beach and a cocktail.
6.  I love cats AND dogs!
7. I have a weird thing about even numbers.  I only like even numbers and am superstitious when it comes to numbers.
8. I love to read.  My favorite books recently are The Help, Water for Elephants, The Last Song, My Sister's Keeper, and the Twilight Saga
9.  I have a love/hate relationship with my job.  Education in NJ right now sucks, and I hate all of the BS that goes along with being a teacher (15 pages of lessons plans, hours and hours of grading, meetings 3 times a week, leaving for work at 6am) but I do enjoy the actual time spent teaching the children. 
10.  For someone who never played a sport, I am super competitive. 
11.  I love to dance.  I spent most of my life until age 22 dancing.  Now I like taking dance related classes at the gym (like Zumba) to help keep in shape and to keep me involved in dancing.
12.  I HATE snakes and heights
13.  I love spending summer days at the beach or the pool.  Nothing is better than a Jersey Shore tan.
14.  Even though I grew up at the Jersey Shore, I am a really bad swimmer.
15.  One of my guilty pleasures is enjoying a spa day!
16.  I am a huge NY Yankees and NY Giants fan.
17.  I am part of a huge family.  Tons of aunts and uncles and over 23 cousins and the family is still growing.  I love our huge family and look forward to all of our crazy gatherings.  I can't imagine what its like to have a quiet holiday.
18.  I have never smoked cigarettes or pot in my life.
19.  I would like to be a stay at home mom one day.
20.  My favorite TV shows are Modern Family, Friday Night Lights, How I Met Your Mother, and Glee.
21.  I am a Republican - thats all I will say to avoid debate :)
22.  I am a big Bon Jovi fan.  Concert tickets is how my husband won his way into my heart.
23.  I have been known to sing karaoke after a few drinks.
24.  I hope to get a boob job one day, I have wanted one since high school.
25.  One of my new hobbies is photography and making digital photobooks instead of scrap books. 

I am now 8 weeks post pardom and feeling pretty good.  I am down to 114 lbs so I only have 4 pounds to go.  I started working out last week and it felt great.  My brother's girlfriend is a trainer so she is going to help me get back to my pre-baby body.  I went to the doctor today, and I am still not healed down there!!  I can't believe it!  I have to go back again in two weeks (by then I'll be 10 weeks PP) and will hopefully be cleared for full exercise and SEX!  Poor Mike, its been a long time.

Otherwise, I feel great.  The baby blues are pretty much gone and I'm getting out more often.  Tonight I have a date night with my hubby and Friday I'm going out to dinner with the girls!  I am really looking forward to both, this mommy needs a little me time.

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