Here we are again for another monthly update- Thomas is 9 months old!! Let the first birthday planning begin ahhh!
This month he had two major mile stones- he finally figured out how to go from laying down to sitting AND he learned to crawl. So he is officially on the move!
Sleep is still pretty bad. The good news is most nights he sleeps in his crib all night, but he is still in the Rock and Plan for naps. But he really is still very unsettled. He eats 2-3 times a night, and cries and fusses a lot. The other night he was up and inconsolable from 12-2:45am. We are tired!
Even with the wild nights, he is pretty happy during the day.
We still nurse, A LOT. But I am cherishing the time since this will likely be the last time I nurse a baby. Bittersweet.
He loves to dance. Any song, he bops to the music!
We are still working on solids. Generally I am doing baby led weaning, but will also give purees a try once in a while depending on whats going on that day. He is definitely experimenting more, but eating is not his favorite.
We celebrated his first Easter last week and are getting ready to spend a lot of time this spring on the sports field watching his big brothers.
And for the cuteness...