Monday, February 28, 2011

Details of Pregnancy

Like I previously stated, I wish I did this throughout my pregnancy.  But since I am just getting started now, I'll have to sum up what I think are the most memorable parts of my first pregnancy. 

Finding Out The Sex
Right off the bat, we knew that we were not going to find out the sex of the baby.  I really don't think there is any reason why you "have to" know and I think part of the whole process is the mystery involved in not knowing if you are going to have a girl or a boy.  Now that I am 2 weeks from my due date, I am really happy we stuck to this decision.  The worst part of the waiting process was everyones stupid input.  I will probably scream if one more person says to me "Oh My God! I could never wait to find out the sex!  How are you ever going to be prepared?!" I think we did a great job at preparing for this baby and I would appreciate it everyone else kept there personal thoughts to themselves.  Anyway, I really have no gut instincts as to what the sex is.  There are some days I really think girl and others that I am convinced its a boy.  Even my friends and family have very varied opinions.  Mike recently came home and told me that he knows we will be having a boy.  He has no reason for thinking this, but he is convinced.  I guess we will find out soon! 

Picking out a name was very very hard for us.  We have changed our minds several times.  Some of the possibilities were Riley or Kate for a girl and Christopher, Jackson, or Patrick for a boy.  I think we have finally decided on Charlotte Elizabeth and Ryan Joseph. 

Since we don't know the sex, the baby already has a list of nicknames: Baby Taynor, Tay Tay, Taynor Tots, Tiny T, Baby TT. 

Pregnancy Troubles
Overall my pregnancy went well.  I really can't complain after all of the stories I have heard from others.  One of the issues I did experience was low progesterone.  Early on, we had a little bit of worry that I was not producing enough progesterone to maintain the pregnancy, but I took additional pills everyday and it seems to have worked.  The progesterone pills did make me very sleepy and fatigued but nothing too bad.  I also discovered that I am a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis.  Mike had to get tested to make sure that he was not a carrier also.  Luckily his test came back negative, but it made us nervous for a few days.  Other than that, I did get morning sickness but not every day.  The worst part is the very bad gag reflex I have developed.  I can't brush my teeth without gagging.  Sometimes I start gagging uncontrollably from watching certain things on TV, certain smells, gross conversation, and even just from being hungry. 

Later in my pregnancy (after 28 weeks), I started feeling pretty crappy.  My blood pressure was low, iron was low, and blood sugars were low.  The doctor was not too worried, she just felt like my body was working extra hard to keep up with the pregnancy.  I also started getting Braxton Hicks pretty regularly.  They really are annoying!!  But because of this my doctor did decide to take me out of work a little bit earlier.  So I began my maternity leave at 34 weeks.  It must be working because I have been feeling pretty good and I have made it to 38 weeks with no labor. 

I didn't really experience any crazy food cravings or aversions.  I would says early on in pregnancy I really wanted salty food.  One strange thing I started eating was brown rice with butter and salt (this is only really weird because normally I do not like rice).  Otherwise, no cravings...but if I am in the mood for something, I need to eat it ASAP. 

The only thing I really did not want to eat while pregnant was sweet potato french fries and fish.  Otherwise it just depended on the day. 

The Best Part
Pregnancy really did agree with me!  I love being pregnant (well maybe not 38 weeks pregnant, I am now really ready to meet my baby, but the rest of pregnancy).  One thing I enjoy is feeling like I am doing something really special.  I feel more important than I have ever felt in my life, because for the first time someone else really needs me.  Its also nice to have the extra pregnancy attention.  Friends, family, coworkers are always going out of their way to be helpful and supportive. 

Feeling the baby move is also pretty cool.  Its amazing to think that there is actually a human growing inside of me.  I can tell where the baby is positioned... normally I can tell where the little bum is and where the feet are.  Its pretty cool.  I can't wait to meet Baby T!!!!

Here we go...

I have been thinking about starting a blog since I found out I was pregnant.  Well here I am 38 weeks pregnant and I am finally getting started.  I have so much to talk about in regards to my pregnancy that these first few posts will probably be very long (warning)!  Lets start from the beginning...

I'm Pregnant!
In July 2010, Mike and I went on vacation with friends to Cabo San Lucas.  We had an amazing time.  Beautiful resort, lots of sun, the perfect vacation.  It was about half way through the week that I started feeling "funny".  I am pretty in tune with my body, and strange things were happening (frequent trips to the bathroom, cramps but no period, sore nipples, etc).  Anyway, I started drinking less (a very difficult task when you are on an all-inclusive Mexican vacation) and decided to take a pregnancy test as soon as we got home.  Our trip back to NJ was a very long one, we finally arrived home at about 2:30am.  Mike and I promised each other that we would sleep as late as possible the next morning, neither of us waking the other one up.  At about 6:30am, I woke up and could not fight the urge to take a pregnancy test.  Almost immediately after peeing on the stick, the word "pregnant" appeared on the tiny screen.  It literally took my breath away.... I kept reading it over and over again... I was pregnant!

Now my true dilema was how to tell Mike.  He was sound asleep and like I already said, I promised to not wake him up.  Soooo I laid in bed next to him, starring at the ceiling, with a trillion things going through my head.  I lasted until about 8:30.  Mike rolled over and happened to open his eyes for a split second so I jumped up and said "Oh good you are awake!"  He had no idea what was about to hit him.  I couldn't contain myself for another second... I just kept saying "I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant".  His response, "No you are not".  It took several announcements and showing him the two tests to convince him that it was true, we were having a baby!  I can not describe the emotions and thoughts we both experienced that first day. 

The Big Announcement
Due to my sister in-laws upcoming wedding and a very sudden death in the family, we decided it was best to hold off for a few weeks to tell everyone we were expecting.  But there was no way I could keep it a total secret, I had to tell someone.  My best friend Jackie was with us on vacation, so she knew that I suspected I was pregnant.  Actually it was about noon the day we got home when she sent me a text message asking if I took a pregnancy test.  I remember running up the stairs to ask Mike if I could tell her, I was so excited.  But Mike convinced me that it was probably better if we waited til the next time we saw both Jackie and Julian so we could tell them together and in person.  I am glad he made me wait, but it was super hard.  I avoided Jackie that entire week because there was no way I could see her/talk to her and not tell her the news.  That upcoming weekend we were finally able to tell them the news.  They were just as excited as we were, our babies were only going to be born about three months apart (Jackie was currently 18 weeks pregnant).

We then waited a month to tell everyone else.  Unfortunately that month included bachelorette parties, weddings, and a funeral.  I spent many nights pretending to drink, just so no one would be suspicious.  There were many beers dumped down the toilet at the Tropicana.  Evenutally we were able to let the cat out of the bag.  We told Mike's family at a BBQ the day after Michelle's wedding and we told my family the next night while out celebrating my parents 30th wedding anniversary.  The following day, I called the rest of my girlfriends and cousins.  At this point I just wanted everyone to know as soon as possible.  It was so nice to finally be able to celebrate the good news with all of our friends and family.